Sunday, December 13, 2015


 You may have noticed a new sponsor on the right side of the blog -

I am so thrilled to have Reed Evins Art as a sponsor – Reed is a brilliant shoe designer who recently added fine artist to his portfolio.
Long time readers may remember a story I wrote about Reed, entitled “The Shoe Czar,” where I talked about his shoe business and his apartment HERE.   Years ago, Reed’s first apartment was designed by the then young Joe D’Urso, who later went onto fame and fortune.

Reed, featured in New York magazine in 1976, is shown standing in his apartment that D’Urso designed for him.  Built with platforms, then a chic innovation, the one room apartment featured a large table, while his bedroom hid behind vertical blinds, another totally new invention.  Calvin Klein saw this apartment and immediately hired D’Urso to design his own apartment, his offices, and all the CK boutiques in the country.
Here’s how Reed describes the minimal apartment:  
“The table is shiny rubber on subway pipes, wrapped in chrome, 18 feet long.
One Le Corbusier chaise.  No other furniture.  No accessories.  No toss pillows.  No lamps.  No details.  No color.Nothing.
It's all about clean lines." 

The apartment had hospital emergency doors and automobileheadlights on the ceiling (you can see both in the above photo.)  It also had a steam room and a sauna.  The bed was black leather on a platform.  Ahead of its time, it was one of the first minimalist apartments in NYC. 

D’Urso shown in Reed’s apartment.   A few years ago, when D’Urso was inducted into the Interior Design Hall of Fame, New York Magazine showed Reed’s apartment as an important part of D’Urso’s portfolio.  HERE. 
Reed Evins is my cousin – and he may be the most beloved in the large group of us. (I’m sure some of the other cousins may dispute that though!)  Reed is debonair to the max, talented, outgoing, and so sweet.  Charismatic, he lights up the room when he walks into it.   
See if you can pick Reed out of the group of us all together:

Yep!  That’s Reed in front, center.  Of course! 
But behind his handsome exterior, Reed is humble.  He is well known and very respected in the fashion industry, although he’d never let you know that.   I had no idea that fashionista Andre Leon Talley credited Reed with helping to start his own career in the fashion business, until I read it in Talley’s autobiography!  But that doesn’t surprise me. 

A collage of Reed Evin’s years in the shoe business – from the 1970s through the 2010s. He and his sister Melissa started out as “Two City Kids,” since they were born in New York City. 

Recently Reed reached a major milestone, turning 60.  After a long career in the shoe business, a business in which his father was the successful head of the world famous Evins Shoes,  Reed was ready for a change.  
He and his sister Melissa had tirelessly worked together for over 30 years, going back and forth overseas to Italy, Spain, and then China where their shoes were made. Reed was ready for a new challenge at this stage of his life.   It wasn’t hard for him to decide what direction he wanted to go in. 
An alumni of Rhode Island School of Design, Reed wasn’t just a designer, he was an artist.  Finally, he was ready to follow his heart, and that was art. 

Reed Evins Art: Green Chair and Blue Chair 

And so, while many their age are readying to retire, he and Melissa have embarked on a new career.  Today Reed spends his time in his New York City apartment creating canvases.   He has been prolific, the art is just pouring out of him.  Recently he showed me piece after piece he has created.  Many are textural collages – created with materials instead of ink or paint.

This piece, Pink Flower, is a 3-D collage, made of torn paper, fabric and beads.

It’s companion is Red Flower, a 3-D collage.

Shoe Tree in Blue is made of torn construction paper.

It’s companion, has a brown vase.  I love these!! 

And although he no longer makes shoes, he still likes to draw them!  This is one of a trio of shoes – in marker and ink. 
Besides the art work shown on his web site, Reed has so many other pieces, and he will work with clients to custom design a piece to go in any environment.

Reed’s art work is like him – exuberant and full of life, fun, color, and sweetness! 

There is more. Reed recently created a collection of home décor goods.  Bed Bath & Beyond purchased his line of beach towels! 

Here are three of the beach towels – imprinted with his vibrant designs.  If you are in Bed Bath & Beyond this spring, keep an eye out for them.  You can say, “Hey, I know that designer!” 

In celebration of Reed and Melissa’s, new venture in the art world, we are hosting a giveaway. 
To enter the giveaway, just go to Reed Evins Art web site HERE and look around at his catalogue. 

Find the piece of art work that speaks to you the most.  Then, come back here and leave a comment telling us which piece of art work you liked! 
The contest will run all this week – and will end on Saturday, December 19th at 11:59 pm. 

The giveaway will be a piece of art work, to be determined by both you and Reed together!! 

Good luck to all AND a huge thank you to Reed Evins!!!

A NEW GIVEAWAY FROM REED EVINS ART!!! Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: yorkie


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