Monday, June 8, 2015

Thank You!!


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Well, this was a huge shock!  Cote de Texas was ranked 4th on this list of Top 100 Most Influential Interior Design Web Sites of 2015.  The award was sponsored by Tiffany Lamps Shop and the rankings were based on a complicated system of internet and social media presence that includes SEO Flow, Alexa Ranking, Twitter, Google, and Facebook profiles, MOZDA, SEM Rush Traffic, Majestic Root Domains and a few others that I’m not really sure WHAT they are!!!

Receiving this gives me a chance to reflect back to the beginning - I started this little endeavor in 2007 and through these years I have changed, grown, matured, and most of all, have had a TON of fun!  Your comments have always made me think, smile, laugh out loud, and also, shed a few tears along the way.  There were many times when the Comment Section was more popular than the blog itself and that is really special.

As the years rolled by, I decided that I wanted Cote de Texas to be a bit different than other design blogs.  I wanted to write detailed stories that if someone went to google “Grey Gardens,” for example, they would have all the information they needed to know in one story, in one place.   I wanted the stories to be meaty, interesting, but also entertaining.  I hope I’ve succeeded in my goal.

In the end, though, a blog is nothing without readers and I’ve been so lucky to have loyal readers.   There are times that I write a story and think – “no one is going to read this, much less like this” – and then I’ll get a positive comment or email which is always such a great surprise. 

It’s humbling to put yourself out there and I want to thank each and every one of you who have helped make Cote de Texas what it is today – a place where lovers of design and history can get together and share their thoughts over that proverbial cup of coffee.

So thank you Tiffany Lamps Shop for thinking of me and giving me this time to stop and smell the roses!!

To read “Top 100 Most Influential Blog Sites of 2015”  – go HERE.



Thank You!! Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: yorkie


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