Thanksgiving is one of my most favorite times of the year! It might have something to do with the fact that my sister visits from Florida this time every year but thats not all! I love having a large group of us gathered around the table for a meal. I want my girls to grow up with tradition and know the importance of being thankful for this blessed life we have been given. Not just at the holidays but all year long. Thanksgiving is the perfect time to revaluate what is truly important.
This year we are hosting one of our largest feasts yet!
I couldn't be more excited!! And if you know me at will know that I believe
every special occasion needs a beautiful table setting!
I've been loving all these gold dipped white feathers on Pinterest for awhile now and I knew I wanted to incorporate them in to the setting.
I also knew I wanted to use gold or copper flatware but of course its a little pricey! Why does everything I love cost so much!! Ugh!
Even at $20 a setting for the Target Threshold setting, which I love, it would be a pretty penny when I needed 12 settings! Aack!
I may have to start buying a few sets a week because I do love them!
What to do? I guess I could spray paint some?!
Well, I have been thinking about doing this little project for awhile and I guess there is no better time then now....right?!?!
So off the the craft store for supplies...
I recruited the girls for some help and we tackled the feather project first.
Then I headed to my local thrift store and bought as many matching sets of flatware I could find
$6 later and this is my loot...
12 settings!
I also picked up some spray paint and sealer.
Now it was time to see what happens!
I taped them so just the handles would be sprayed...don't want my guests ingesting paint...that wouldn't make for a good holiday meal!!
First, I sprayed them with the paint front and back, letting them dry in between. Then I sealed them the same way. I did this over the course of a few days so that they had plenty of dry time.
The end result! I love how it all turned out and I am super excited to show you the entire room all finished and ready for Thanksgiving!
If you follow me on Instagram you have seen a little of what has been happening around here!
Hope you all are enjoying the holiday season as much as I have been!
See you soon!
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