Have you ever seen these before?
They are embroidery art from Castle. Its this adorable company out of Sydney Australia and I've been groovin on their stuff for awhile now! They have all kinds of ridiculously cute things to fill your home with and wear. I can think of a million places in my house for these cute works of art. So whats the problem, you say? They run anywhere from $200 to $500. Um choke. I mean I am all for artists being paid their true worth and these seem to sell out constantly so kudos to her!!
But I say if you can't have the original, find a way to recreate it...not copy.....RECREATE!
And so I did.
Here is my take on this super cool felt letter art.
Indeed, my lettering could use a little practice and I didn't stitch mine on with an embroidery needle....thank you trusty hot glue gun, you never fail me. Because its not that I'm a lazy gal but nap time really only allows just so much and sometimes I enjoy a little lunch too...dreamer!
Its a super cute addition to Em's room and as far as the message...
they are words of truth around this house because crazy is how we roll!
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